In this section you can consult the most frequently asked questions to try to solve the most common problems. Consult this section if you are unsure of any issues before contacting the Call Center.

1. What is AreaB

On which days and times is Area B in force?

Area B is active from Monday to Friday, from 7:30 to 19:30. It is not active on Saturdays and public holidays.

What are the streets and boundaries of Area B?

Area B includes a large part of the city territory and the resident population, and is delimited by 186 access gates. The gate map is available online

Can anyone accessing Area B before 7:30 leave without incurring penalties?

A vehicle subject to Area B prohibitions that is inside it cannot in any case circulate before 19:30, not even to leave it. It can only stop.

Is there an entrance ticket?

Area B is not subject to the payment of an access ticket.

What is meant by “dynamic circulation”?

The concept of road traffic is defined by the New Highway Code in art. 3 such as movement, stopping and parking of vehicles. The Area B discipline prohibits, for certain categories of vehicles, dynamic circulation, or all the actions listed above, with the exception of parking.

Do the cameras at the gates only detect entry or exit from Area B?

The camera system only detects the license plates of vehicles entering, however the regulation prohibits not only transit through the gates but also dynamic circulation, i.e. the movement of the vehicle, inside Area B and outwards.

2. Types of vehicles, engines and technical data of the registration certificate

Motorcycles and mopeds and similar vehicles (identifiable from the registration document in field J: L1e, L2e, L3e, L4e, L5e, L6e, L7e) are subject to the access and circulation prohibitions and exemptions envisaged for motorcycles and mopeds . The calendars of the envisaged bans are available in the Area B section: vehicles that cannot enter sono disponibili i calendari dei divieti previsti.

Bi-fuel petrol/methane or petrol/LPG vehicles can freely access and circulate in Area B.

Dual fuel diesel/methane or diesel/LPG vehicles with Euro 0-1-2 -3 environmental class cannot enter and circulate in Area B.

The higher environmental classes can access and circulate in Area B compatibly with the   restrizioni stabilite da Regione Lombardia >>

In case of installation of a LPG or CNG system after the purchase of the vehicle, it is necessary to transmit the updated registration certificate with system approval, by sending an e-mail to:

Hybrid and electric vehicles can freely access and circulate in Area B.

In the absence of the value in field V.5, it is possible to demonstrate the compliance of the PM10 emission with the Area B discipline through the homologation certificate issued by the vehicle manufacturer, with indication of the chassis number, to be sent to the address mta.areab or to be delivered to the Desk Area B and Area C – Metro Duomo M1-M3, Piazza del Duomo (hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-15:30), accompanied by the vehicle registration certificate.

The value "0.00000" in field V.5 is to be considered as present, albeit infinitesimal, and therefore lower than the limit values ​​in the prohibition classes which include the emission of particulate matter among evaluation criteria (e.g. "> 0, 0045 g/km", in this case "0.00000" is to be considered lower).

If no value is shown in field V.9 on the registration certificate, the vehicle cannot be classified in any Euro 0 standard and is therefore comparable, for Area B registration, to a Euro 0 vehicle.

However, it is possible to contact the vehicle manufacturer requesting specific documentation certifying a different environmental class and to update the vehicle registration certificate at the Motor Vehicle Authority.


Access and dynamic circulation in the ZTL Area B, from 00:00 to 24:00, from Monday to Sunday for vehicles carrying Class 1 ADR dangerous goods is subject to registration of the license plate.

According to the ADR Agreement, Class 1 dangerous goods are explosive substances and articles (solid or liquid explosive substances, pyrotechnics, explosive objects).

The owners of vehicles carrying Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ADR dangerous goods are not required to register the license plate.

3. AreaB Online Platform

Registration on the Area B portal allows you to check the count relating to the days of free circulation recognized during the first year of access and circulation ban, manage the license plate portfolio and request exemptions and permits.

The username and password recovery functions are no longer available as, from 29 February 2024, access to online services can only be done via certified digital identity (SPID or CIE).
From 29 February 2024, access to the portal can be done exclusively by registering with a certified digital identity, i.e.: For those who have already registered on the site with a user and password, they will be able to access their profile with SPID, CIE or Company ID without losing the data entered.
For companies, access with the owner's or legal representative's personal SPID involves registering the individual as a natural person for the management of their personal vehicles and will NOT allow the management of the company vehicle fleet.
Registration on the Area B portal with digital identity requires that all certified data be retrieved from SPID, CIE or Company ID. Natural persons will only have to integrate information relating to citizenship and driving license number and category. Therefore, any incorrect personal data must be rectified with the body that issued the digital identity (for example the SPID provider).
By registering your vehicle on the Area B Portal in the "Your license plates" section you can monitor the "50" counter corresponding to the license plate. The counter indicates the count residual days in the first year of environmental ban according to Area B calendar. For the subsequent days in derogation (25 for residents and companies with operational headquarters in Milan, 5 for all other subjects) it is necessary to request permission from the portal for each day/period depending on the request by the day following the day of access. Differently from what is foreseen for the 50 bonus days, in the "Your license plates" section no counter will be reported corresponding to the license plates of the registered vehicles because the assignment of permits is recognized to the natural person or legal entity and not to the individual license plate. Verification of permits already used will only be possible via a search in the "Permission Request - Permission List" function.
Once the 50 days have been used up, the counter will show the value 0 (zero). If no value is reported, check whether:
  • The vehicle is actually prohibited via the Search Class function of the portal
  • The license plate has been entered with the correct "Vehicle Type" and the correct "Nationality"

The exemption becomes valid starting from the start date entered during the request phase. Confirmation from the Administration is not expected.
It is possible to delete a permit within the day before the first day of validity (for example, a permit entered for February 10th can only be canceled by February 9th). Deletion can be done from the "Permission Request" function by clicking on the trash can icon.
  • that you have compiled the wizard correctly
  • that you have entered the correct duration (25/5 daily permits cannot be valid for more than 1 day)
  • that you have clicked on the license plate from the vehicle list and that it has moved to the list on the right (if you logged in from a smartphone, it is recommended to set the browser to desktop mode)
  • that you have attached the documents marked as mandatory without exceeding the total maximum limit of 3 MegaBytes (you can use any free online file size reduction service)
If you have checked that you have carried out all the above steps correctly, contact the address within the deadline for entering the exemption request. You will have to document the inability to proceed independently (for example with screenshots of the system) and attach the documentation required for the specific permit.

4. Facilitations

For all vehicles subject to the access and circulation ban for the environmental class, the 50 days are assigned automatically, only for the first year of entry into the ban (consult calendars), without the obligation to register or the need to enter permits. However, it is advisable to register your personal profile on the Area B Portal to monitor your vehicle's readings.
For all vehicles, from the second year of the ban you are entitled to:
  • Natural persons
    • 25 days for residents of Milan, owners/users of passenger transport vehicles
    • 5 days for non-residents in Milan, owners/users of passenger transport vehicles
  • Legal entities
    • 25 days for companies/bodies/associations with operational headquarters in Milan, owners/users of goods transport vehicles
    • 5 days for companies/bodies/associations with operational headquarters outside Milan and owners/users of goods transport vehicles
The 25/5 day exemption must be requested before first access to the ZTL Area B using the following procedure
  • access the site via SPID/CIE/company id
  • register the license plate of the vehicle for which it is necessary to request the exemption using the "Your License Plates" function
  • request permission using the “Request permissions” - “Automatic detection of exemption days” function and following the instructions on the screen
For subsequent accesses the counter will be automatically decremented at each passage without further obligations except for a possible license plate change.

Normally the exemption is active immediately on the selected license plate. In the event that an exemption is already active on the license plate, associated with another user, the request will be taken care of by the offices and must be approved by the Administration, which may request additional documentation to verify possession of the requirements for obtaining of the exemption: the plate will appear in the Automatic detection of exemption days - Activations in progress section, from which it is possible to monitor the status of the request and integrate any required documents.
For the first year of the ban coming into force, the vehicle will automatically benefit from the 50 daily bonuses automatically deducted for each transit.
For subsequent years, residents of the Municipality of Milan (even outside the ZTL Area B) must request permission before first accessing Area B in order to take advantage of the 25 days per year of circulation in derogation for their passenger car. .
The 25 day exemption must be requested before first access to the ZTL Area B using the following procedure
  • access the site via SPID/CIE/company id
  • register the license plate of the vehicle for which it is necessary to request the exemption using the "Your License Plates" function
  • request permission using the “Request permissions” - “Automatic detection of exemption days” function and following the instructions on the screen
For subsequent accesses the counter will be automatically decremented at each passage without further obligations except for a possible license plate change.

Normally the exemption is active immediately on the selected license plate. In the event that an exemption is already active on the license plate, associated with another user, the request will be taken care of by the offices and must be approved by the Administration, which may request additional documentation to verify possession of the requirements for obtaining of the exemption: the plate will appear in the Automatic detection of exemption days - Activations in progress section, from which it is possible to monitor the status of the request and integrate any required documents.
No, the 50 days of circulation in derogation are automatically recognized for each vehicle for only the first year of the ban coming into force. Starting from the second year the days will expire.

5. Exceptions

The regulations exclude from the access and circulation ban vehicles displaying the disabled permit whose owner is on board, subject to notification of the license plate. For further information, consult the dedicated page >>
  • velocipedes
  • vehicles with license plate already communicated in Area "C" displaying the disabled badge whose holder is on board the vehicle
  • vehicles for specific transport permanently equipped with special equipment for the transport of motor disabled persons upon registration on the Area B Portal, vehicles recognizable by the special plate of the Armed Forces, the Police Forces, the Local Police, the Italian Red Cross, the Hospitals, the ATS , the Fire Brigade, the Civil Protection, the ambulances
  • vehicles of the Armed Forces, Police Forces, Local Police, Associations carrying out recognized first aid activities or scheduled or emergency social-medical transport, Hospitals, Local Health Authorities, Fire Brigades, recognized Organizations operating in the field of civil protection upon registration on the Area B Portal
  • vehicles of entities operating in the social and health assistance sector for the performance of free first aid and public assistance services upon registration on the Area B Portal

The Area B regulation does not provide for exceptions related to the age of the owner or user of the vehicle.

Only for Euro 5 diesel vehicles, until 30 September 2024, if used for car pooling, you will be able to access and circulate freely in Area B. To obtain the exemption it is necessary to register on an online platform that is regularly authorized. For further information see dedicated page >>
The Area B regulation provides specific exemptions for general practitioners and family paediatricians of the Milan City District ATS, consult the dedicated page >>< /a> There are no specific exemptions for veterinarians.
Vehicles are exempted upon registration and request within midnight of the day following access, with certification issued by the healthcare facility that provided the service, with indication of the day and duration of the therapy, consult the dedicated page >>

Vehicles bearing Consular Corps and Diplomatic Corps license plates are subject to the same access and circulation prohibitions and the same exemptions as for other vehicles.

Vehicles, or vehicle complexes, longer than 12 meters cannot enter or circulate in Area B. The prohibition does not apply to vehicles intended for the transport of people.

Upon registration, the following are exempt from the ban for a period of one year:

  • vehicles for the transport of indivisible material
  • vehicles for transporting perishable foodstuffs
  • vehicles directed to companies and recipients of transport with operational headquarters within Milan, if owned or in exclusive use
  • operating vehicles of entities, companies, companies providing public services in the field of gas, electricity and heat, water, lighting, transport, telecommunications, environmental hygiene, waste collection
  • roadside assistance vehicles
  • vehicles used for the transport of valuables or postal services for specific cases and in any case for a maximum duration of 6 months
  • vehicles directed to companies and recipients of transport with operational headquarters within Milan, if not owned
  • vehicles belonging to usual suppliers (for the duration of the contract)
  • vehicles of occasional suppliers (daily derogation)
  • vehicles functional to the execution of works (for the duration of the works)
  • direct vehicles within cesate or delimited areas of construction sites within Milan (daily derogation).

Vehicles intended for the Euro 5 diesel passenger transport of workers who make the home/work and work/home journey in the time slot in which the public transport offer is reduced, or those who work in shifts with structured hours with entry before 7:00 or exit after 9:00 can, upon registration, take advantage of a one-year exemption from to the access and circulation ban foreseen for the environmental class. The condition of "shift worker" must be certified by means of a specific certificate from the employer, consult the dedicated page >>< /a>
benefit from a one-year exemption from the access and circulation ban envisaged for the environmental class, consult dedicated page >>
Euro 5 diesel passenger vehicles used by commercial agents (ATECORI Code 2007 Section G div. 46, resulting in Chamber of Commerce Registration) can, upon registration, benefit from a one-year exemption from the access and circulation ban envisaged for the environmental class, consult dedicated page >>
Vehicles with dual controls registered to a company carrying out driving school activities (ATECORI Code 2007 Section P group 85.53, resulting in Chamber of Commerce Certificate) can, upon registration, benefit from a one-year exemption from the access and circulation ban envisaged for the environmental class. Driving school vehicles used for driving exercises to carry out exams to obtain C and CE driving licenses are exempted from the ban on dynamic access and circulation, until 09/30/2024 or until 09/30/2025 depending on the categories available in the dedicated section, upon registration, consult the dedicated page >>< /a>
Euro 5 diesel passenger transport vehicles registered to companies carrying out construction, maintenance and installation activities (ATECORI Codes 2007 Section F div. from 41 to 43, resulting in CCIAA Visura) can, upon registration, benefit from a one-year exemption from the access ban and circulation foreseen for the environmental class, consult the dedicated page >>
Euro 5 diesel vehicles owned or used by volunteers from bodies recognized by the Administration or other institutions that carry out social and healthcare assistance activities for free first aid and public assistance services, with headquarters in the Municipality of Milan and who finish their shift between 11.00 pm and 6.00 am, they can, upon registration, postpone by one year the access and circulation ban foreseen for the environmental class, consult the dedicated page >>< /a>

6. MoVe-IN

All vehicles subject to the limitations established within Area B can participate. For further details consult ban calendar.
The maximum costs of joining the service (VAT included) are as follows:
  • first year of membership = €50 divided as follows:
    • €30 for the installation of the black box
    • €20 for the provision of the annual service
  • subsequent years:
    • only €20 for the provision of the annual service.
For those who have already installed a MoVe-In compatible device on board, the maximum price will be €20 for the provision of the annual service only. Those who have already activated the regional MoVe-In services will have no additional costs for extending the service to Area B. For further information visit the dedicated MoVe-In website
To join MoVe-In for Area B, the owner of the vehicle (or a designated person in the case of a company) must register on the dedicated IT platform
The platform is accessible using SPID or CNS.
  • If it is a new membership, after entering the request you must also select the extension to the Area B service for the vehicle concerned
  • If membership is already active for the regional MoVe-In services, it is necessary to request the extension to the Area B service within the provided section. The vehicle will thus be assigned the kilometer threshold identified by the Municipality of Milan for its emissions class, within the remaining kilometers still compared to the total regional threshold assigned.
The site is managed by the company ARIA Spa on behalf of the Lombardy Region.
The extension of the MoVe-In service to Area B consists in the possibility of making use of a kilometric roof within Area B, which can be used freely until it is exhausted without being subject to hourly and daily limitations. There are two kilometer thresholds granted to vehicles participating in the MoVe-In service extended to Area B:
  • 1. an overall regional one, relating to the territorial areas of Area 1 and 2 as defined by the D.G.R. 2055/2019
  • 2. one relating to Area B, identified by the Municipality.
The threshold identified for Area B remains within the overall regional ceiling.
The actual kilometers traveled by the vehicle within Area B and monitored by the device installed on board (black box) are progressively deducted both from the threshold of kilometers granted for Area B and from the overall regional threshold.
The balance of kilometers traveled is updated daily. Membership of the Move-In service determines the activation of a measurable and controllable "kilometre exemption", which extends the limitations to all days of the week and all hours of the day (24 hours) and consequently vehicle monitoring takes place every day of the week and at all hours of the day (24 hours)
Participation in the MoVe-In service for Area B entails, in addition to what is already provided for at regional level, the acceptance of the conditions set by the Municipality of Milan and in particular those relating to:
  • controls
  • any sanctions
  • waiver of the ordinary exemption days provided by Area B.

If the kilometer limit assigned for Area B is exceeded, the vehicle will no longer be able to circulate within it, in any time slot and on any day. It will still be able to circulate in the regional areas subject to MoVe-In, until the remaining kilometers are exhausted.
If the total regional limit is exceeded, the vehicle will no longer be able to circulate in any of the regional areas subject to MoVe-In, in any time slot and on any day, until the annual expiration of the service.
  • The possible use of the vehicle in the cases described entails the possibility of incurring the foreseen sanctions, through roadside checks or those carried out by the checks system active in the Municipality of Milan.

Each new membership in MoVe-In, both for the regional areas and for Area B, lasts one year starting from the activation date. Upon expiration, the service ceases and it must be renewed to benefit from the mileage limit again. If membership in MoVe-In is already active for the regional areas, the extension to Area B lasts until the natural annual expiry.
In the period between joining the MoVe-In service for Area B and the actual activation of mileage monitoring, it will be possible to access Area B only by using the exemptions in force for Area B. It will not be possible to make use of the MoVe-In mileage exemption In.
No, joining the MoVe-In/AreaB project does not entail any derogation from other road regulations, such as the Cerchia dei Bastioni-AreaC ZTL, pedestrian areas or preferential lanes.
Move-In rewards those who adopt an eco-friendly driving style, attributing additional kilometers that expand the ceiling initially foreseen. The additional kilometers achieved on urban roads within Area B are added to the total regional threshold but do not determine the increase in the distance available for Area B.
Get in touch directly with the Regional Call Center by calling the toll-free number 800.318.318 (Monday to Saturday from 08:00 to 20:00, excluding holidays) or by writing to

7. Historic vehicles

Historic vehicles more than 20 and less than 40 years old and equipped with a Certificate of Historical Relevance can benefit from 25 days of access and circulation in derogation per year, upon registration, following which the Administration will verify the required requirements, and required before logging in. Please remember that even historic vehicles, like all other prohibited vehicles, benefit from 50 days of free circulation for the first year of entry into the ban, without the obligation to register or the need to enter permits. However, it is advisable to register your personal profile on the Area B Portal to monitor your vehicle's readings.

Vehicles of historical interest that are at least forty years old and equipped with a Certificate of Historical Relevance are exempt from the ban on access and circulation, with the obligation to register the license plate before accessing. The Administration will verify the requirements for access to the derogation.

The Certificate of Historical and Collectibles Importance, established with the Decree of the Ministry of Transport of 12/17/2009, is necessary for the circulation of vehicles of historical and collectible interest from 03/19/2010 and certifies the date of construction, the make, the model and technical characteristics of the vehicle, with specific indication of all those useful for checking suitability for circulation, the existence and listing of the original manufacturing characteristics, as well as specific indication of those modified or replaced.

The CRS is issued by the following bodies in charge. Consult the websites of the historical registers to find out how to issue the document:

  • Historic Italian Automotoclub 
  • Italian Motorcycle Federation 
  • Lancia Historical Register 
  • Italian Fiat Register 
  • Italian Alfa Romeo Register 

The Ministry of Transport Decree of 03/19/2010 confirmed that mopeds, unlike motorcycles and motor vehicles, do not fall within the definition of historic and collector's vehicle and therefore the relevant registers can no longer issue the Certificate of Historical Relevance, but only documents with privatistic effect (e.g. ASI historicity card for mopeds) which do not give access to the Area B exemptions reserved for historic vehicles.

It is an identification document issued for private purposes and does not give access to the Area B derogation reserved for historic vehicles equipped with CRS. At the same time as the Certificate of Identity, the relevant bodies will be able to issue, upon request, the Certificate of Historical and Collective Relevance.

The derogation is also recognized for vehicles of historical interest if this recognition of historicity is shown on the registration certificate. When registering on the Area B Portal, it will be sufficient to attach the complete copy of the vehicle registration certificate or booklet which shows the number plate, chassis, date of first registration and enrollment in a historical register.

Following the registration of the historic vehicle, the Administration will verify the existence of the requirements and the conformity of the documentation. By accessing the "Your license plates" section it will be possible to monitor the outcome of this check and any request for documentation integration. Until the registration as a historic vehicle is validated (Request Status: Accepted) it will be possible to access with the 50 bonus days of free circulation if the vehicle is still in the first year of the ban.
No. The Area C regulation also provides the following concessions/exemptions for the access and circulation of disabled vehicles:
  • Historic vehicles more than 20 and less than 40 years old and equipped with a Certificate of Historical Relevance can benefit from 25 days of access and circulation as an exception per year and payment of the daily rate.
  • Vehicles of historical interest at least forty years old and equipped with a Certificate of Historical Relevance are exempted from the ban on access and circulation and payment of the daily rate.
To take advantage of the AreaC discounts it is necessary to register on the portal MyAreaC and register the vehicle in the Historic Vehicles section. As for Area B, the Administration will verify the required requirements.

8. Purchase of new vehicles, improvements, incentives

The City Council Resolution n. 1366 of 08/02/2018 and subsequent amendments and additions relating to the prohibition of access and circulation for Euro 6 ABC diesel vehicles, scheduled for 1 October 2025, has envisaged postponing the aforementioned deadline to 1 October 2028 for vehicles of the same environmental class if purchased before 31 December 2018, as it is considered penalizing for those who made the purchase before or at the same time as the decision was taken. The same principle of rewarding has also been adopted for goods transport vehicles, distinguishing however Euro 6 A Diesel vehicles, which purchased by December 31, 2018, will be able to circulate until 9/30/2028, from Euro 6 BC Diesel vehicles, which purchased by 30 September 2019 they will be able to circulate until 30/9/2028.

"Purchase" means the date of transfer of ownership by transfer or first registration. To evaluate the entry into force of the ban for Euro 6 vehicles it will therefore be necessary to verify the date of the last transfer of ownership. In the case of vehicles leased with purchase, the date of signing of the contract between the leasing company and the owner is taken into account; in this case it is necessary to send a copy of the contract, including the effective date and license plate, to the address< /a>

Vehicles used for specific transport/special use fueled by diesel, of any Euro class, which cannot install the particulate filter will still be able to circulate in derogation of the ban until 30 September 2030. Before accessing the ZTL, the owners must produce to a certificate issued by the vehicle manufacturer (or alternatively by an authorized workshop recognized by the manufacturer) certifying the impossibility of carry out this technical intervention on the vehicle, accompanied by the registration certificate.

The certification, on headed paper, must show the model and chassis of the vehicle.

Vehicles subject to the circulation restrictions of the Lombardy Region will be able to take advantage of the derogation if they comply with the provisions of the derogation of the Lombardy Region referred to in the first point of letter D) of Annex 1 to Regional Government Decree no. 2055/2019 (MoVe-In adhesion to the Lombardy territory) and up to the achievement of the due annual mileage threshold.

9. Interchange car parks

1. car parks outside Area B always accessible
  • Bisceglie M1 (feriale 05:30 - 01:00; festivo 6:00 - 01:00)
  • Cascina Gobba M2 (feriale 05:30 - 01:00; festivo 6:00 - 01:00)
  • Cologno Nord M2 (sempre aperto) - Comasina M3 (sempre aperto)
  • Famagosta M2 (feriale 05:30 - 01:00; festivo 6:00 - 01:00)
  • Gessate M2 (sempre aperto)
  • Molinetto di Lorenteggio Tram 14 (sempre aperto)
  • Molino Dorino M1 (feriale 05:30 - 01:00; festivo 6:00 - 01:00)
  • Ornato Parco Nord Tram 4
  • Quarto Oggiaro Trenord (sempre aperto)
  • San Donato Emilia M3 (feriale 05:30 - 01:00; festivo 6:00 - 01:00)
  • San Donato Paullese M3 (feriale 05:30 - 01:00; festivo 6:00 - 01:00)
2. parking spaces inside Area B accessible when the ZTL is not active or with Euro 5 Diesel vehicles that have a season ticket (upon request for exemption from the AreaB Portal)
  • Forlanini M4 Tram 27 (sempre aperto)
  • Lampugnano M1 (feriale 05:30 - 01:00; festivo 6:00 - 01:00)
  • Rogoredo M3 (feriale 05:30 - 01:00; festivo 6:00 - 01:00)
For information on the exemption for those who have an annual or monthly subscription, consult the dedicated section >>
Remember that the gates to be used to access the aforementioned interchange car parks are:
  • Forlanini: varchi 131.Mazzucotelli, 132.Artigianato, 137.Forlanini
  • Lampugnano: varco 062.Sant’Elia
  • Rogoredo: varchi 125.Rogoredo, 126.Feltrinelli, 127.Futurismo
3. car parks in Area B accessible during times when the ZTL is not active
  • Bovisa 1 Bovisa Politecnico Trenord
  • Cassiodoro Tre Torri M5 (feriali 5:30-01:00; festivi 6:00-01:00)
  • Caterina da Forlì Bande Nere M1 (feriale 05:30 - 01:00; festivo 6:00 - 01:00)
  • Crescenzago M2 (feriale 07:00 - 20:00)
  • Einaudi Gioia M2 (lun-ven 7:00-21:30; sab 7:30-14:00)
  • Lodi Lodi TIBB M3 (sempre aperto)
  • Maciachini M3 (feriale 05:30 - 01:00; festivo 6:00 - 01:00)
  • Ripamonti Tram 24
  • Romolo M2 (sempre aperto)
  • Romolo multipiano M2 (feriale 05:30 - 01:00; festivo 6:00 - 01:00)
  • San Leonardo M1 (sempre aperto)

10. Angolo cieco

In Italia non esiste una normativa di riferimento sui sensori degli angoli ciechi.
In materia di equipaggiamento dei veicoli a motore destinati al trasporto di persone e al trasporto merci e alla sicurezza della loro circolazione in strada, il nostro Codice della Strada non fa ancora alcun riferimento ai dispositivi di rilevamento e di segnalazione degli angoli ciechi.
Le norme europee di riferimento sono:
  • Regolamento UE 2019/2144 relativo ai requisiti di omologazione dei veicoli a motore e dei loro rimorchi, nonché di sistemi, componenti ed entità tecniche destinati a tali veicoli, per quanto riguarda la loro sicurezza generale e la protezione degli occupanti dei veicoli e degli altri utenti vulnerabili della strada;
  • Regolamento UN R151 per sistema Blind Spot Information System for the Detection of Bicycles (BSIS);
  • Regolamento UN R159 per sistema Moving Off Information System (MOIS);
  • Regolamento UN R158 per sistema Devices for means of rear visibility or detection (DRM).

I sistemi devono essere conformi alla normativa vigente applicabile in Europa, disporre della marcatura CE e delle principali certificazioni relative alla restrizione dell’uso di determinate sostanze pericolose nelle apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche (Direttiva 2011/65/UE), alla compatibilità elettromagnetica (Direttiva 2014/30/EU), alle le disposizioni uniformi relative all'omologazione di veicoli riguardo alla loro compatibilità elettromagnetica (Regolamento UN ECE R10), ed in caso di dispositivi dotati di telecamere esterne della Certificazione impermeabilità IP69K.
No, al momento l’installazione dei dispositivi in argomento non è ricompresa tra i casi che comportano l’aggiornamento del libretto di circolazione (es. passaggio di proprietà).
I tempi di installazione ed i costi variano in base alla tipologia dei dispositivi di segnalazione scelta.
No, l’equipaggiamento di un veicolo, in caso di sinistro, non solleva da qualsivoglia responsabilità il guidatore. Questa possibilità non è ammessa dall’ordinamento giuridico italiano. Quindi, ad oggi, l’apposizione dell’adesivo c.d. “angolo cieco” e l’installazione del sistema di rilevamento sono condizioni per poter accedere e circolare in deroga nella ZTL Area B del Comune di Milano (e per questo si richiama l’art. 7 co. 9 del Codice della Strada sulle ZTL).
Attualmente non sono previsti finanziamenti per l’acquisto dei dispositivi di rilevazione degli angoli ciechi.
L’apposizione sul veicolo degli adesivi di segnalazione degli angoli ciechi è obbligatoria.
No, l’importante è che il pittogramma sia di chiara interpretazione e che siano posizionati correttamente.
Dal 1° ottobre 2023, potranno circolare nella ZTL Area B solo i camion (categoria N3) e gli autobus (categoria M3) che avranno installato i sistemi di segnalazione ottica e/o acustica e/o tattile che allertino il conducente della presenza di pedoni e ciclisti nella parte anteriore del veicolo o e sul lato del marciapiede.
Dal 1° ottobre 2024, potranno circolare nella ZTL Area B solo i camion (categoria N2) e gli autobus (categoria M2) che avranno installato i sistemi di segnalazione ottica e/o acustica e/o tattile che allertino il conducente della presenza di pedoni e ciclisti nella parte anteriore del veicolo o e sul lato del marciapiede.
Al campo J della carta di circolazione del veicolo è indicata la categoria del veicolo (es M2, M3, N2, N3).
No, per poter circolare in Area B, il Comune di Milano ha introdotto l’obbligo per camion (categoria N2 e N3) e autobus (categoria M2 e M3) di installare sistemi di rilevamento della presenza di pedoni e ciclisti negli angoli ciechi.
Dal 1° ottobre 2023, potranno circolare nella ZTL Area B anche i camion (categoria N3) e gli autobus (categoria M3) i cui proprietari risultino in possesso di un contratto di acquisto relativo a sistemi avanzati capaci di rilevare la presenza di pedoni e ciclisti in prossimità della parte anteriore del veicolo e sul lato del marciapiede e di emettere un segnale di allerta, fino all’installazione del dispositivo e comunque non oltre il 31 dicembre 2024. La copia della documentazione che attesta l’acquisto (ordine di acquisto indicante il numero di kit ordinati, marca e modello) deve essere conservata a bordo del veicolo.
Tutti i veicoli devono comunque essere muniti dell’apposito adesivo di segnalazione della presenza dell’angolo cieco.
Dal 1° ottobre 2024, potranno circolare nella ZTL Area B anche i veicoli (categoria N2 e M2) i cui proprietari risultino in possesso di un contratto di acquisto relativo a sistemi avanzati capaci di rilevare la presenza di pedoni e ciclisti in prossimità della parte anteriore del veicolo e sul lato del marciapiede e di emettere un segnale di allerta, fino all’installazione del dispositivo e comunque non oltre il 31 dicembre 2024. La copia della documentazione che attesta l’acquisto (ordine di acquisto indicante il numero di kit ordinati, marca e modello) deve essere conservata a bordo del veicolo.
I sistemi di monitoraggio degli angoli ciechi (Blind Spot Information System, BSIS) sono sistemi che informano il conducente, in maniera tempestiva tramite un segnale ottico e/o acustico e/o tattile, della prossimità di biciclette che potrebbero essere messe in pericolo durante una manovra di svolta, in modo che sia possibile arrestare il veicolo prima che questo incroci la traiettoria della bicicletta.
I principali tipi di sistemi di rilevamento degli angoli ciechi sono sviluppati secondo tre tecnologie:
  • sistemi basati su sensori a ultrasuoni utilizzati per rilevare oggetti o veicoli all'interno della zona cieca;
  • sistemi basati su telecamere per fornire feed visivi in tempo reale di qualsiasi oggetto che potrebbe trovarsi nella zona cieca eventualmente dotati di intelligenza artificiale per migliorare la precisione del riconoscimento degli oggetti;
  • sistemi basati su sensori radar per rilevare la distanza e la velocità tra oggetti o veicoli in movimento all'interno della zona cieca.
Per poter circolare nella ZTL Area B le apparecchiature devono essere installate almeno in prossimità della parte anteriore del veicolo e sul lato destro dello stesso. Questa indicazione è formulata per essere applicata ai veicoli sviluppati per la circolazione a destra. Nel caso dei veicoli sviluppati per la circolazione a sinistra, l’indicazione deve essere applicata invertendo il criterio indicato.
Si raccomanda l’installazione dei sistemi in oggetto, oltre che in prossimità della parte anteriore del veicolo, su entrambi i lati dello stesso al fine di consentire al conducente di avere dalla cabina una visibilità più chiara e precisa di tutto ciò che lo circonda.
Si per comunicare al Comune di Milano l’adeguamento dei veicoli è necessario richiedere all’installatore di rilasciare una dichiarazione datata e timbrata con l’indicazione della marca e del modello di sensori di utilizzati, del numero di targa e di telaio del veicolo sul quale sono installati.
La comunicazione avviene esclusivamente online sul sito di area B ( Dal 25/09/2023 sarà disponibile il servizio.
I documenti da caricare, in formato PDF, sono:
  • la copia fronte e retro del libretto di circolazione;
  • la dichiarazione dell’installatore datata e timbrata con l’indicazione della marca e del modello di sensori di utilizzati, del numero di targa e di telaio del veicolo sul quale sono installati.

Nel caso in cui il sistema non sia ancora stato installato, è necessario caricare:
  • la copia fronte e retro del libretto di circolazione;
  • la copia dell’ordine di acquisto indicante il numero di kit ordinati, marca e modello.

Il divieto nella ZTL “Area B” è attivo dalle ore 07.30 alle ore 19.30, nei giorni feriali, dal lunedì al venerdì.
La comunicazione dell’adeguamento dei veicoli, in questa prima fase, non è obbligatoria ma è raccomandata. Successivamente diventerà obbligatoria e quindi condizione necessaria per poter circolare nella ZTL Area B.